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7 Signs You Have a Hormone Imbalance

How to Spot Possible Hormone Imbalance


Disturbance of sleep is one of the most common things we see associated with hormone imbalances. For women, this may be the first sign that someone is beginning perimenopause. This is due to a dramatic drop in progesterone that naturally occurs when women reach their 30’s. Often known as the “feel good hormone” progesterone is calming and necessary not only for refreshing sleep, but also for mood stability. In addition, insomnia is a clue that your adrenal glands may not be functioning properly. This is particularly true if you find yourself waking up at 2 or 3 AM and are unable to fall back asleep.

Weight Gain or Inability to Lose Weight

There is nothing more frustrating than getting your diet in order and exercising consistently but not losing any weight! While this may be related to a number of issues that can be addressed from a functional prospective, very commonly we will find that this is due to hormonal imbalances. It is often related to an imbalance that occurs around or during menopause and it may also be caused by thyroid abnormalities and stress. And surprisingly, if you are too calorie restrictive and working out too intensely your body perceives this as stress! In turn, you produce excess cortisol which causes you to hang onto fat for energy to deal with this perceived stress and it plants it right around your mid-section.


When you are taking care of yourself by eating a healthy diet, getting adequate rest and drinking plenty of water but you just can’t seem to get back to your best, a comprehensive evaluation of your hormones is in order. This includes evaluating your adrenal function, an in depth look at thyroid function, as well as, a careful assessment of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.). Even though you may not feel “stressed” per say, in our busy society our full schedule will again be perceived by the body as stress, so almost all of us will benefit from learning stress management techniques and some adrenal support.

Anxiety or Depression

The tremendous amount of stress we subject ourselves to causes the adrenal glands to go into overdrive. This means excess cortisol and norepinephrine (or adrenaline), both of which can cause feelings of anxiety. Further, if you are in the perimenopausal stage where your “feel good” progesterone is low and estrogen is fluctuating, anxiety or depression are likely to show up.

Brain Fog or Forgetfulness

You notice that you can’t remember what you did yesterday. You read something and can’t recall a single detail. You are missing appointments and forgetting obligations. This lack of mental clarity can truly interfere with your life, by identifying the underlying cause and correcting it, you can regain the sharpness and focus you once had. Low progesterone, estrogen and/or testosterone are often the culprit. It can also be related to abnormal cortisol rhythm and even insulin dysregulation and associated inflammation.

Low Libido

While low testosterone is most commonly thought of as the cause for this symptom (and yes, even in women) having all of your hormones in balance is crucial for a vibrant sex life for everyone.

Hair and Skin Changes

Have you ever looked back at photos and noticed ou much fuller, shinier and healthier your hair looked? Do you have brittle nails and dry skin that seems to have lost its suppleness? All of these changes may be related to hormone imbalances, particularly the thyroid. You may have been told that your thyroid is “normal,” but when examined from a functional perspective that may not be the case.

Hormone balance is a delicate, imprecise and complex matter. Throughout the day hormones fluctuate in a rhythm and they depend on each other to keep the system in balance. When certain hormones are out of whack all the others are affected. Your Foundations Medical team can help you evaluate the cause of your imbalance and we understand how all the systems in your body work together. We believe bioidentical hormone replacement can be life-changing and we will not only replace what is deficient, we will also work with you to make sure your whole system is in tune so you get the most out of life.

Do you want to know more or have questions about hormones? Give our office a call today at 850-269-9000 and see how we can help!

Articles Hormone Health
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