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Learn About NEAT

Finding small ways to move really adds up!

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or “NEAT”, describes calories burned by those daily movements that aren’t mindfully planned exercise or sports. These include actions like the everyday movements required to cook, clean, or run errands.

NEAT can have a large impact on our metabolic rates and the calories we ultimately burn. Remember, inactivity ranks alongside alcohol and obesity as a leading cause of reduced life expectancy.

  • Use a stability ball instead of a chair at your desk space.
  • When shopping, park in the furthest spot to get in extra steps.
  • When only picking up a few items, carry a basket instead of pushing a cart.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator when visiting an office building.
  • Walk around the room while taking cell phone calls.
  • Hand wash dishes instead of using dishwasher.
  • Take your dog on a walk.

Of course jobs and lifestyle will influence NEAT, but by intentionally incorporating more activity into your day, you will likely expend more calories, lose weight, and can lower your risk for issues like cardiovascular disease.

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