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Healthy Eating can be Budget Friendly

Here’s What You Need to Know

Planning ahead and cooking your meals at home can make eating healthily quite affordable. Often, the cost to feed three to four people is the same as the price for one person to eat out. Here are a few cleaner eating tips that also won’t break the bank.

Buy foods that are less prepared or in bulk

This can mean buying larger bags of dried beans or lentils, whole fruits you cut up yourself, or blocks of cheese you shred. Be on the lookout for ways you can save money by doing a little of the prep work at home.

Use herbs and aromatics

Fresh herbs, garlic, onions and no-salt spices are great ways to add tons of flavor for pennies per meal. A bag of onions is very affordable and so versatile. You can also puree your fresh herbs and freeze them in ice cube trays for future use.

Have sweet potatoes on hand

Sweet potatoes are extremely healthy and one of the cheapest vegetables you can buy. They contain vitamin C, potassium, and fiber and they pair great with just about any dish. Get extra creative: dice and use them in a healthy breakfast hash with peppers and onions.

Quinoa stands out

Quinoa is a great buy because it is a complete source of protein – meaning it provides all the essential amino acids your body needs. It’s easy and quick to prepare and can be eaten warm or incorporated into cold, seasonal salads.

Oats are delicious and nutritious

Make yourself a satisfying breakfast and it will keep you full for hours. Oats can be toasted and made into a homemade lower-sugar granola and eaten as a cold cereal or cooked and topped with fresh or frozen berries.

The incredible, edible egg

From hard-boiled eggs as a quick protein-packed snack to a veggie-loaded omelet or scrambled and used in a breakfast burrito, eggs are a great way to stretch your grocery budget. We recommend organic, pasture raised eggs if possible.

We hope you will take the time to try a few of these tips. With a little practice, you may be surprised how easy it is to prepare delicious, clean meals at home at very little cost.

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