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5 Foods To Boost Your Immune System

From fighting off the common cold to preventing long term illness, a strong immune system is an integral part of your health. Several organs and cells throughout your body form defenses against invading viruses, but things like chronic stress, a poor diet, and excessive alcohol consumption can all impair your immune function. You can fill your plate with nutritious foods that help boost your immune system and help your body remain healthy. 

Try adding the following immune boosting foods as a part of your regular diet.


Avocados are full of fiber and packed with glutathione, a compound with antioxidant properties. Glutathione provides cells with powerful protection against oxidative damage, and half of an avocado offers about 19 mg, making it an incredibly potent source of this molecular powerhouse. In addition to antioxidants, avocados are also an excellent source of potassium, lutein, and vitamins E, C, K, and B-6.

Dark Leafy Greens

Dark, leafy greens are excellent sources of fiber, folate, iron, calcium, and vitamins C and K and  play a critical role in regulating the immune system. Arugula, spinach, and especially kale are great sources of these nutritious compounds.

Green Tea

The immune-boosting effects of green tea is largely attributed to the presence of catechins, which boast health and antioxidant benefits thanks to their polyphenol and flavanol content. Studies suggest EGCG, a compound found in tea, potentially protects against everything from certain bacterias to digestive and breast cancers. As a hydrating, low-calorie beverage, green tea can be enjoyed daily, but be mindful of caffeine content  if you are sensitive.


Raw garlic has natural antimicrobial properties, meaning it can help play a role in fighting infection. Garlic has a long history of medicinal use, and it is a frequent ingredient in home remedies for cold and flu symptoms. Consuming garlic has also been associated with blood pressure and cholesterol regulation, as well as protecting against some types of digestive cancers.


Salmon is a great source of protein with an abundance of essential omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential dietary fat that lower blood pressure, inflammation, and cancer risk. Salmon’s high B vitamin and potassium content also provides benefits for cognitive function and stroke prevention, as well as reducing blood pressure.

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