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Recently from Foundations


What are some ways you can lower LDL Cholesterol?

Dr. Kyle Chavers shares some of the changes you can implement to help lower your cholesterol.


Glutathione IV Therapy- Is it right for you?

Emily Brown, APRN, FNP-C, shares why Glutathione IV is good for you.


Stress Management – What can you do?

Dr Kyle Chavers shares his tips for helping identify and managing stress.


Welome to FMC

Are you a new patient? Thinking about booking an appointment or signing up for a FMC health plan? Dr. Kyle…


Acute vs Chronic Inflammation

Learn the difference between acute and chronic inflammation and the best way to address using key lifestyle strategies and supplements.


How to Keep Kids Healthy During the School Year

It happens ever year. Your healthy children go back to school after summer break and get sick. Here, Dr. Kyle…


Caffeine. Good or Bad?

Who doesn’t love the smell of fresh coffee roasting in the morning? Dr. Kyle Chavers discusses the effects caffeine can…


Healthy Smoothies Kids Will Love

A clean, healthy smoothie recipe kids will love. Ingredients 1 cup nut milk (almond, cashew, hazlenut)2 scoops Xymogen FitFoodLean vegetable…


CIMT Testing

Measuring Your Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke This is a non-invasive screening for risk of heart attack and stroke….


Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

This season can be a difficult time to continue your healthy habits. Dr. Chavers shares ways to enjoy this season…

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